0f concepts, Glossary
See Glossary below.
Alphabet: Also abecedary, abecedarius.
Books: They are not quite everywhere but, object if you must, they are pervasive. They have been around long enough for the history of the book to emerge as a fertile field of study. Furthermore, civilization has often depended on their presence or absence, hence the phrases, people-of versus people-not-of the book. Books are born as they die, with pomp and ritual, they wake, sleep or just lie there daydreaming so to speak. Books have become so entirely familiar that they can be read with eyes closed, without opening them. Finally, that B stands for Book is more an ode to mere literacy than it is to either reading or the book.
Coronial history: The subject of history is an ‘unnaturally’ dead body. See History below.
Discources: Fossilised sources and discourses.
Discoverie: A knowledge object, for example, Gu*ana, Transindies and the New World, see below. A discoverie becomes meaningful as an abstraction only after the object of its abstraction becomes known. Not restricted to aletheia.
Dread: There is the dread of the garden and the dread of the plantation; of being thrown out of the garden and of being confined to the plantation: the dizziness of freedom and the dizziness of unfreedom. (See Freedom below.) There is I-man irie or I-man dread and then there is I-man irie and I-man dread. Dread at The “Argosy” Press is the plantation response to the dizziness of freedom.
Glossary: Studied as glossology (1717), glottology (1841), also terminology (1770).
Gu*ana: Guiana, Guyana, Guayana. More than the sum of its parts. See New World and Transindies below.
History : 1) a) The vanishing, the faded, the missing, the absent, the disappearing, the hidden. Not the dead or the limits. b) The deeply entrenched notion that the past gives a damn, is accountable, is a matter-like reality. c) In the mean time, history is proving over and over again that one knowing of the past is as appealing another; that knowing the past can be as preferred, as it were, as not knowing. d) And one more thing, history doesn’t end, as some would have us believe; it, just like everything else, also becomes the past. As a matter of fact, much of it doesn’t even become history. 2) 2021, from hist Gr. histos, mast, beam (of a ship), prefixes meaning tissue, commonly with an added ‘o’ (i.e. histo-) meaning ‘web-like’, derived from the histos, ‘web’ + ory, meaning “a place for,” eg. observatory. History: a place for webs (of tissue). These two meanings inform the histories on this site. See Coronial history above.
Horizon: Where physics and philosophy meet.
mersion: submersion versus immersion, the reality of rising sea levels and vanishing coast lines. An historical method.
New World: Where is it? Phenomenologically speaking, what is it like there? What life-forms live there? What kind of a knowledge subject, object, verb is it? What time is it in the new world? What political categories are used there? What do its technologies produce? At The “Argosy” Press, the new world is a concept, and like any other concept its definition will depend on how it is used. The new world is a concept that both travels as well as connects. Its life-forms are also digital, its intelligence, also artificial. As far as being an object, it is a knowledge object of the new world, unlike those here. The new world is as timeful and placeful as use allows of it. The New World is a discoverie capacious enough for the old to be the new – meaning that it is an actual object that altered what is known and how knowing is conducted. See Discoverie and Gu*ana above, and Transindies below. For an interlocutor see the New World Journal.
O: Is the shape referred to as a circle, the area it covers is calculated as pi times its radius squared (A = π r²). As the fifteenth letter of this alphabet, it is from a character that in Phoenician, circa 1050 BCE, was called ‘ayin (literally “eye”). As “zero” in Arabic numerals it is attested from c. 1600. Similarly the O blood type (1926) was originally “zero,” denoting the absence of A and B agglutinogens. Number eight in the Periodic Table of Elements, O is the symbol for Oxygen. The present Age will be historicised as The Age of Zeroes, and Ones.
Process: Myth by another name; it is not merely a story unfolding but a reality lived and continuing ever since and everywhen. There is no etiological process.
Rent: See Wage below.
Stageism: a) Darwin (1809-1882). Marx (1818-1883). Freud (1856-1939). b) Malinowski (1884-1942). Strauss (1908-2009).
Time, Once upon a: It makes absolutely no fucking sense! Stop reading stories to your kids that begin with this asinine and infantilising phrase.
Transindies: Along with Gu*ana and the New World (see above), an X that is simultaneously trans: TransX. Just before or after, but never quite.
Wage: See Rent above.